ADS Precise Listings

Interested in buying a Dental Practice? We have the largest national network of Dental Practices for Sale. Our experienced brokers will help connect you and navigate the complex process of buying a dental practice. You just need to fill out Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Call or email us the practices that you’re interested in and we can sent you Prospectus’ on those Dental Practices.  New practices are continuously being added so check back often  . . .  

SOLD General Dental Practice: Purchase Price $630K for practice 2800 sqft+ 1400 sqft basement, $810K collections, 5 OPS, Dr retiring.  For more practices like this, please call 303.759.8425 or email us at Listing Reference Number: CO 2018

4200 sq ft

SOLD General Dental Practice: South Suburban Denver (CO 2012). Highly desirable location. Well established practice that has been successfully running for 38 years.   Annual Revenues $714K.  Office includes 6 Ops, 2620 square feet – Dr. Retiring. ADS Precise Transitions,, 303-759-8425, email: Listing Reference Number: CO 2012

2620 sq ft

SOLD General Dental Practice: 4 Ops, 1900 sqft office, $393K in collections.  Lots of growth potential! Sales price $219K. Building also for sale for $680K. Dr. retiring. For more information contact ADS Precise: 303-759-8425, email:, Listing Reference Number : CO 2006

1900 sq ft

SOLD Medical Office Building  (CO 2007) in Federal Heights, 4,700 sqft, built in 2010, custom alder woodwork and granite throughout, fireplace in upper lobby, could subdivide for multiple organizations.  Great Investment! ADS Precise Transitions,, 303-759-8425, email: Listing Reference Number: CO 2007

4700 sq ft

SOLD Perio Dental Practice practice: Colorado Springs, CO area (CO 1914) Annual Revenues $630K, 3 Ops, 1,542 square feet; for more information contact: ADS Precise Transitions,, email:, 303.759.8425.

1542 sq ft

SOLD Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Practice: Great Opportunity to live a amazing outdoor lifestyle  with a  great practice and income.  Oral maxillofacial surgery: Oral Surgery Practice: Western Mountains, CO near Aspen (CO 1350). Annual Revenues $840K, 3 ops, 1,300 square feet, adjacent to hospital, price $340,000.00 Excellent GP referrals, Dr. retiring. ADS Precise Transitions, 800-307-2537,  Call for other practices like this.

1300 sq ft

General Dental Practice for sale: SOUTH EAST, CO (CO 1625) General Practice SOLD: Southeast, CO (CO 1625) Annual Revenues $750K, 6 Ops, 1,700 square feet; 100% interest in 10,000 square feet building with tenants being sold with practice; Dr. Retiring. ADS Precise Transitions,, 303-759-8425, email: Listing Reference Number: CO 1625

1700 sq ft

General Dental Practice for sale:  SOLD: Southern Colorado (CO 1738) Dr retiring, annual revenue $325K, 5 OPS. For information please call 303.759.8425 or email Listing Reference Number: CO 1738

SOLD General Dental Practice and free-standing Building (sold with practice) for sale in beautiful Pikes Peak area (CO 1803).  Dr retiring,  5 OPS. Room for growth!  Practice price $240K and Building price $495K.  For more information please contact or call 303.759.8425. Listing Reference Number: CO 1803

SOLD GP in Denver (CO 1906) Beautiful 5 Op in Denver Metro, Sales price$125K.   Dr moving out of the area. For information email: or call 303-759-8425. Listing Reference Number: CO 1906

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SOLD Established General Dental Practice in Basin, Wyoming (WY 2108) Collections of $572K.  Practice occupies 2,432 square feet and consists of 4 fully equipped operatories. The practice also includes a reception area, business area, private doctor’s office, consultation area, lab, sterilization area, and break room.  Building being sold with practice. For information email: or call 303-759-8425. Listing Reference Number: WY 2108

2432 sq ft
Nothing to display
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All current listings are displayed below by region. Please use the boxes at the right to check each practice you are interested in, then click the “Request Info” button at the bottom of the list to receive more information. Due to confidentiality concerns, we must have your promise of non-disclosure before we can share any further information about practices for purchase. If you have not yet filled out the buyer confidentiality agreement, please do so before requesting information from this page. Completing the agreement entails no cost or obligation other than your confidentiality. You can complete our or print a copy of the document below. Printed copies can be mailed to our office, or faxed to 303-648-6969. Once we have received your confidentiality agreement, one of our brokers will contact you for more information.

While viewing listing info, please note that “Net Income” is the estimated first year net income to the buyer. This includes 100% of the annual expense of financing both the principal and interest of the practice’s asking price as well as real estate, where applicable. A camera icon at the beginning of the description indicates that pictures of the practice are available upon request. General practices are listed first alphabetically, followed by specialty practice listings.

When buying a dental practice, it’s important to find a practice that meets your individual needs. At ADS Precise Transitions, we understand the many variables involved, and we are committed to providing you the information necessary to choose a practice that fits your requirements. We offer a wealth of data about each listing, verified by on-site assessments, to allow you to choose a practice which will be a good match for you. These listings cover a wide selection of options within our area of operation, including general and specialty practices available for purchase. If you have questions about a listing which are not covered by the information provided, or are having trouble finding a practice which suits your needs, please don’t hesitate to contact your broker. Our familiarity and experience with the market, along with our direct access to the practices listed here, allow us to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. We pride ourselves in offering personalized assistance to match the right practice with the right buyer. Call us toll-free at (303) 759-8425, or send us a message through our contact page.


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Our goal is to save you time, hassle, and ultimately money by assuring that the sale or purchase of your dental practice is implemented effectively.